Elisa Talbert
My name is Elisa Talbert from Albuquerque, New Mexico. Being from Albuquerque and being born the same year as the first Fiesta balloons have always been a part of growing up. However, besides enjoying myself as a spectator while munching a breakfast burrito I didn’t get involved until 1999 when I was invited to crew then I was hooked!
For the next 14 years I enjoyed being a crew chief, spending time learning and being a part of our ballooning community. I also spent time traveling, observing and crewing events and competitions in 12 different countries. My interest in competitive ballooning is what finally pushed me to complete my pilot certificate in 2014. Since then, I have participated in 3 US Women’s Nationals, 3 US Open Nationals and 1 Women’s Worlds competitions.
As a member of the Albuquerque Aerostat Ascension Association (Quad A) I served on the crew committee, special events committee and ran a balloon camp at the Balloon Museum for 4 weeks each summer for three years. I was the first non-pilot President of Quad A 2010-2012 and served a second term as President 2016-2018. I was employed as pilot coordinator with Balloon Fiesta 2012-2014. I have also served on the Board for Top Gun for the last three years and am the current Top Gun President and Top Gun liaison to the FAA.
Outside of ballooning I am a Vice President with Coldwell Banker Legacy and Director of Operations for the property management division overseeing the management of over 750 homes and a $12 million a year budget. I believe with my business and ballooning background I will be an asset to the BFA Board.