Jack Walsh
BFA HACD Officials Candidate Election Statement
I am running for the Officials seat on the BFA HACD and I am requesting your consideration and ask that you vote for me.
I first became involved in ballooning during 1981 as crew and had a period as a student pilot in the early 80’s. In 1991 I was an observer at the U.S Nationals in Baton Rouge and began my time on the officials’ side of the equation. I continued to crew but also started an active interest in competitive ballooning on staff. Over the years, I have been an observer, debriefer, chief observer, TSO, measurer, and scorer at events ranging from small weekend rallies through our National Championships and international events in ten countries, including seven FAI World Championships and three World Air Games.
I have been fortunate to work with and learn from a great number of event directors,
other officials, and pilots. As such, this has given me exposure to a wide range of
methods and viewpoints and the opportunity to see the many ways things are done. I
have heard the various points of view from all involved. This has included the changes
brought about due to technology as those changes have impacted pilots and how
events are organized and operated. Just as not all balloonists are interested in competition, within the HACD membership there are different areas of interest and different motivations. And, as in any organization, our membership represents a wide range of personalities and points of view.
I am now retired and have the time to devote efforts to the responsibilities of the Board.
I usually describe myself as having had three careers before I retired from the last one.
During the last 10 years of employment I supervised a staff of 500 persons, most of
whom were working from home throughout an eight state region. This involved working
with and understanding a great variety of personalities with differing approaches and
Competitive ballooning is part of what will help the sport grow. My own interest was
sparked by attending the Great Forest Park Balloon Race during the late 1970’s. Over
the years I have met many pilots and officials who began their ballooning career after
attending or volunteering as crew or officials at a ballooning event. In recent years the
HACD has organized four different categories of national championships. In addition to
these events, we need to continue to find ways to encourage and support smaller
events, such as regional and state championships and the use of HACD guidelines for NEL scores at weekend events.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, concerns, or issues. Thank
you for your time and remember to vote!